Opinion: GUM trails behind CUP in latest Zed survey - why?
The MicroWiki General Survey is an annual survey held in November which asks for micronationalist's opinions and demographics, with questions relating to the year it takes place. It is held by Zarel Smith of Statistic-Dime. 2020's survey was held between 4–15 November, and reached a record 63 responses, up 85% from the 2019 survey which had 34 respondents, making it Smith's largest of his near-2 year career so far. We here at MicroWeekly published the results of the survey earlier today. Of the ten questions featured, two of them asked participants' opinions on intermicronational organisations, first the Grand Unified Micronational (GUM), the largest in the MicroWiki Sector and one of the oldest intermicronational organisations, and the Cupertino Alliance (CUP), a developmental organisation that was revived this year. The options respondents could pick were "strongly positive", "positive", "negative" and "strongly negative", as...