Conspiracy in the Sejm: Politician declared persona non grata
By Sertor Valentinus, 15 October 2020
Matachewan politician Alvin Matthews has been blacklisted from multiple micronations following a conspiracy to initiate a cold war.
Matthews is known for his former status as a member of the Sejm of Matachewan and as the Health Minister for the United Kingdom of Ainsworth and Fesmar.
Matthews was dismissed from the Sejm following accusations of unprofessional behavior. In turn, the disgraced politician had attempted to rejoin the Sejm through the creation of a colony. When this failed, Matthews declared independence from Matachewan.
Allegations had also surfaced suggesting that Matthews had transferred his colony to another micronation, in order to sway said nation into spying on Matachewanian affairs. Nicholas Lokin of Humberlea stated that the actions Matthews had taken were intended to spark a cold war between the two nations.
Shortly after these allegations were published, it was also discovered that Matthews had exploited his administrative roles within the Begonia Discord server to specifically target and ban Matachewan individuals from the platform, possibly as some form of revenge.
The politician first gained notoriety months ago after Humberlean individuals accused Matthews of performing a "Discord raid" on Humberlea.
According to a summary delivered to the Cupertino Alliance by Lokin, Matthews has been declared persona non grata in over ten nations.
MicroWeekly will continue to follow up on this newly surfaced scandal and deliver all the latest news to you.
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